Image Courtesy of PLAYBOY PLUS

Image Courtesy of PLAYBOY PLUS

Image Courtesy of PLAYBOY PLUS

Image Courtesy of PLAYBOY PLUS

Image Courtesy of PLAYBOY PLUS

- AKA: Lauren Anderson
- ICGID: LA-80T0
- Born: June 1980
- Birthplace:
United States of America
- First Seen: 2002
- Last Seen: 2011
- Measurements: 34D-24-35
- Body Type:
- Height: 175 cm, 5 ft 9 in
- Piercings: None
- Hair Colour: Fair
- Ethnicity:
- Breasts: Medium (Real)
- Official Site:
- Interviews:
- Social Media:
- Tattoos: Lower left stomach
- Agencies:
- Appears with: Irina Voronina (x4), Nicole Narain (x4), Lani Todd (x3), Tina Marie Jordan (x3), Holley Ann Dorrough (x3), Christi Shake (x3), Alinna D. Penta (x2), Ashlee Jae (x2), Raquel Gibson (x2), Christina L Santiago (x2), Alison Waite (x2), Athena Lundberg (x2), Janine Habeck (x2), Ashley Lowe (x2), Britney Arianna (x2), Pennelope Jimenez (x2), Cara Wakelin (x2), Audra Lynn (x2), Sandra Hubby (x2), Devin Devasquez (x2), Jennifer Walcott (x2), Carlotta Champagne (x2), Jodi Ann Paterson (x2), Neferteri Shepherd (x2), Heather Carolin (x2), Michele Rogers (x2), Brandie Moses (x2), Amanda Hanshaw (x2), Jaime Hammer (x2), Colleen Marie (x2), Triana Iglesias (x1), Hiromi Oshima (x1), Suzanne Stokes (x1), Stephanie Heinrich (x1), Lauren Michelle Hill (x1), Crystal McCahill (x1), Teri Marie Harrison (x1), Stephanie Glasson (x1), Shanna Moakler (x1), Krista Kelly (x1), Amber Campisi (x1), Serria Tawan (x1), Anka Romensky (x1), Trish Cleveland (x1), Sasckya Porto (x1), Angela Taylor (x1), Louise Glover (x1), Rita G (x1), Hannah Claydon (x1), Amy Miller (x1), Erica Campbell (x1), Malene Espensen (x1), Iryna Stevens (x1), Sara Liz (x1), Tiffany Taylor (x1), Spencer Scott (x1), Laura Croft (x1), Candice Cassidy (x1), Tiffany Toth (x1), Lindsey Vuolo (x1), Sara Jean Underwood (x1), Nicole Voss (x1), Kayla Collins (x1), Lindsay Wagner (x1), Shallan Meiers (x1), Nicole Marie Lenz (x1), Jillian Grace (x1), Dalene Kurtis (x1), Kimberly Phillips (x1), Kimberly Holland (x1), Jo Garcia (x1), Carlie Christine (x1), Rebecca Lynn (x1), Ava Fiore (x1), Beth Fithen (x1), Bridget Chadwick (x1), Brooke McBeth (x1), Carol Ficatier (x1), Debbie Davis (x1), Elisa Prevot (x1), Flor Bermudez (x1), Julia Morse (x1), Kata Karkkainen (x1), Kelli Jo (x1), Kerri Roser (x1), Krystle Lina (x1), Laci Willis (x1), Ashley Sey (x1), Lena Li (x1), Meghan Lea (x1), Natalia Sokolova (x1), Teri Peterson (x1), Venice Kong (x1), Holly Laar (x1), Erin Connor (x1), Barbie Murdock (x1), Maria Molkanova (x1), Betty Ahn (x1), Corrie Lyn Bamford (x1), Havana Ulrich (x1), Kerry Ann Reid (x1), Vanessa Doobrovo (x1), Mary Alejo (x1), Tess Taylor Arlington (x1), April Ireland (x1), Rebekah Baumgardner (x1), Dasha E (x1), Cassie Keller (x1), Jennie Reid (x1), Hillary Fisher (x1), Kortnie O'Connor (x1), Lauren D'Marie (x1), Jamie Graham (x1), Roxanne Dawn (x1), Addison Miller (x1), Carla Gutierrez (x1), Kate Brenner (x1), Misty Rhodes (x1), Heather Jo Hughes (x1), Stephanie Larimore (x1), Amber Mross (x1), Summer Lena (x1), Debbie Beal (x1), Ines Alecsandra (x1), Sara Stokes (x1), Sarah Porchetta (x1), Chernise Yvette (x1), Vanessa Gleason (x1), Jea Scott (x1), Bianca Beauchamp (x1), Reneé Tenison (x1), Dorothy Teixeira (x1), Feather Frazier (x1), Katalina Verdin (x1), Lourdes Estores (x1), Trina Marie (x1), Marta Zawadzka (x1)
- Activities: Glamour
- Tags: United States of America , fair hair , medium natural breasts , tattoos
- Favourite of: 13 members Praises from members:
- Page Credits: WabiSabi ,
- Appears in Categories: Blondes, Medium Boobs, Natural Breasts, Girls with Tattoos
Most Popular Lauren Anderson Galleries
PLAYBOY PLUS biography:
Lauren Anderson hails from Milwaukee, the beer capital of Wisconsin. Far from pint-sized, this golden-blonde beauty stands tall at 5’9”, with an eye-catching set of natural breasts – and it was just such heady features that garnered her first place on Fox’s Girl Next Door: The Search for a Playboy Centerfold, and her own spread as our Miss July 2002. “It was incredible experience,” says Lauren. “I love being on camera and acting – it comes naturally to me!” Having studied veterinary medicine, Lauren is a member of PETA, and her dream is to open an animal rescue – that is, if her filming schedule will allow. “My ambition is to be a successful actor,” she says. “In five years, I could see myself married, being an actress and owning an animal shelter.” Rather than a shelter, Lauren found herself the owner of a beauty salon, but she raises awareness for PETA every year, handing out veggie dogs in nothing but a lettuce bikini. In her original Playmate profile, Lauren described her dream guy as rugged and American, with a great smile, and her baseball-player boyfriend certainly fits the bill. “I believe in destiny,” she says, a little dreamily. “I wouldn’t change anything that has happened to me!” The feeling is mutual, Lauren – we wouldn’t have anyone else as our Miss July 2002.
THENUDE biography:
As far as we know she began her nude modeling career in 2002. Lauren Anderson has 19 covers, 19 photosets to her name.She's know as: Lauren Anderson and has modeled for these premium nude girl sites: PLAYBOY PLUS.
It seems she retired in 2011.
Lauren Anderson Covers
28 June 2011
Heather Carolin & Christi Shake & Lindsey Vuolo & Nicole Narain & Irina Voronina & Lauren Anderson & Dalene Kurtis & Stephanie Heinrich & Tina Marie Jordan & Jennifer Walcott & Shanna Moakler & Nicole Marie Lenz
as Christi Shake & Dalene Kurtis & Heather Carolin & Irina Voronina & Jennifer Walcott & Lauren Anderson & Lindsey Vuolo & Nicole Marie Lenz & Nicole Narain & Shanna Moakler & Stephanie Heinrich & Tina M
in "Playmate Calendar 2003 - Playmates Features"
1 July 2010
Devin Devasquez & Carlotta Champagne & Christi Shake & Nicole Narain & Irina Voronina & Lauren Anderson & Holley Ann Dorrough & Jillian Grace & Raquel Gibson & Sandra Hubby & Jodi Ann Paterson & Neferteri Shepherd & Carlie Christine & Amanda Hanshaw & Addison Miller & Ashlee Jae & Stephanie Larimore & Britney Arianna & Alinna D. Penta & April Ireland & Ashley Lowe & Ashley Sey & Cara Wakelin & Carol Ficatier
as Addison Miller & Alinna D. Penta & Amanda Hanshaw & April Ireland & Ashlee Jae & Ashley Lowe & Ashley Sey & Britney Arianna & Cara Wakelin & Carlie Christine & Carlotta Champagne & Carol Ficatier & Ca
in "Daily Double - July 2010"
1 May 2010
Dasha E & Devin Devasquez & Jaime Hammer & Brandie Moses & Carlotta Champagne & Sara Liz & Spencer Scott & Candice Cassidy & Tiffany Toth & Christina L Santiago & Nicole Narain & Athena Lundberg & Irina Voronina & Janine Habeck & Kayla Collins & Lauren Anderson & Holley Ann Dorrough & Lindsay Wagner & Kimberly Phillips & Sasckya Porto & Laura Croft & Suzanne Stokes & Alison Waite & Colleen Marie & Crystal McCahill & Jodi Ann Paterson & Neferteri Shepherd & Jo Garcia & Tess Taylor Arlington & Rebecca Lynn & Cassie Keller & Jennie Reid & Amanda Hanshaw & Hillary Fisher & Kortnie O'Connor & Lauren D'Marie & Jamie Graham & Roxanne Dawn & Kate Brenner & Misty Rhodes & Ashlee Jae & Heather Jo Hughes & Summer Lena & Trina Marie & Britney Arianna & Debbie Beal & Chernise Yvette & Vanessa Gleason & Reneé Tenison & Lourdes Estores & Alinna D. Penta & Ashley Lowe & Cara Wakelin & Kata Karkkainen & Krystle Lina & Natalia Sokolova & Teri Peterson & Venice Kong & Kerry Ann Reid & Vanessa Doobrovo
as Alinna D. Penta & Alison Waite & Amanda Hanshaw & Ashlee Jae & Ashley Lowe & Athena Lundberg & Brandie Moses & Britney Arianna & Candice Cassidy & Cara Wakelin & Carlotta Champagne & Cassie Keller & Chernise Yvette & Christina L. Santiago & Colleen Marie & Crystal McCahill & Dasha Astafieva & Debbie Beal & Devin DeVasquez & Heather Jo Hughes & Hillary Fisher & Holley Ann Dorrough & Irina Voronina & Jaime Hammer & Jamie Graham & Janine Habeck & Jennie Reid & Jo Garcia & Jodi Ann Paterson & Kata Kârkkâinen & Kate Brenner & Kayla Collins & Kerry Ann Reid & Kimberly Phillips & Kortnie O'Connor & Krystle Lina & Laura Croft & Lauren Anderson & Lauren D'Marie & Lindsay Wagner & Lourdes Estores & Misty Rhodes & Natalia Sokolova & Neferteri Shepherd & Nicole Narain & Rebecca Lynn & Reneé Tenison & Roxanne Dawn & Sara Liz & Sasckya Porto & Spencer Scott & Summer Lena & Suzanne Stokes & Teri Peterson & Tess Taylor Arlington & Tiffany Toth & Trina Marie & Vanessa Doobrovo & Vanessa Gleason & Venice Kong
in "Daily Double - May 2010"
1 February 2008
Marta Zawadzka & Louise Glover & Rita G & Hannah Claydon & Brandie Moses & Malene Espensen & Iryna Stevens & Tiffany Taylor & Kimberly Holland & Sara Jean Underwood & Nicole Voss & Athena Lundberg & Irina Voronina & Janine Habeck & Lauren Anderson & Holley Ann Dorrough & Raquel Gibson & Sandra Hubby & Hiromi Oshima & Lani Todd & Pennelope Jimenez & Alison Waite & Amber Campisi & Audra Lynn & Colleen Marie & Jennifer Walcott & Krista Kelly & Michele Rogers & Stephanie Glasson & Triana Iglesias & Sara Stokes & Sarah Porchetta & Rebekah Baumgardner & Beth Fithen & Debbie Davis & Elisa Prevot & Flor Bermudez & Julia Morse & Laci Willis & Lena Li & Mary Alejo & Barbie Murdock & Maria Molkanova & Trish Cleveland
as Alison Waite & Amber Campisi & Athena Lundberg & Audra Lynn & Barbie Murdock & Beth Fithen & Brandie Moses & Colleen Marie & Debbie Davis & Elisa Prevot & Flor Bermudez & Hannah Claydon & Hiromi Oshima & Holley Ann Dorrough & Irina Voronina & Iryna Stevens & Janine Habeck & Jennifer Walcott & Julia Morse & Kimberly Holland & Krista Kelly & Laci Willis & Lani Todd & Lauren Anderson & Lena Li & Louise Glover & Malene Espensen & Maria Molkanova & Marta Zawadska & Mary Alejo & Michele Rogers & Nicole Voss & Pennelope Jimenez & Raquel Gibson & Rebekah Baumgardner & Rita Granberry & Sandra Hubby & Sara Jean Underwood & Sara Stokes & Sarah Porchetta & Stephanie Glasson & Tiffany Taylor & Triana Iglesias & Trish Cleveland
in "Daily Double - February 2008"
1 June 2004
Jaime Hammer & Amy Miller & Lauren Anderson & Lani Todd & Lauren Michelle Hill & Audra Lynn & Tina Marie Jordan & Carla Gutierrez & Jea Scott & Dorothy Teixeira & Feather Frazier & Katalina Verdin & Kelli Jo & Erin Connor
as Amy Miller & Audra Lynn & Carla Gutierrez & Danielle Stacy & Dorothy Teixeira & Erin Connor & Feather Frazier & Holly Laar & Jaime Hammer & Jea Scott & Jenni Rae & Katalina Verdin & Kelli Jo & Kelly H
in "Daily Double - June 2004"
21 July 2002
Lauren Anderson
as Lauren Anderson
in "Playmate Xtra - Lauren Anderson 03"
14 July 2002
Lauren Anderson
as Lauren Anderson
in "Playmate Xtra - Lauren Anderson 02"
1 July 2002
Lauren Anderson
as Lauren Anderson
in "Miss July"
50 images
1 July 2002
Lauren Anderson
as Lauren Anderson
in "Miss July"
50 images
1 July 2002
Lauren Anderson
as Lauren Anderson
in "Miss July"
19 images
1 July 2002
Lauren Anderson
as Lauren Anderson
in "Miss July"
50 images
1 July 2002
Lauren Anderson
as Lauren Anderson
in "Miss July"
27 images
1 July 2002
Lauren Anderson
as Lauren Anderson
in "Miss July"
20 images
30 June 2002
Lauren Anderson
as Lauren Anderson
in "Playmate Xtra - Lauren Anderson 01"
30 June 2002
Lauren Anderson
as Lauren Anderson
in "Playmate Exclusives July 2002 - Lauren Anderson"
30 June 2002
Lauren Anderson
as Lauren Anderson
in "Events - Who Wants to be a Playmate? - Lauren Anderson"
30 June 2002
Lauren Anderson
as Lauren Anderson
in "Playmate of the Month July 2002 - Lauren Anderson"
12 June 2002
Heather Carolin & Christi Shake & Christina L Santiago & Nicole Narain & Lauren Anderson & Shallan Meiers & Lani Todd & Serria Tawan & Teri Marie Harrison & Anka Romensky & Tina Marie Jordan & Michele Rogers
as Anka Romensky & Christi Shake & Christina L. Santiago & Heather Carolin & Lani Todd & Lauren Anderson & Michele Rogers & Nicole Narain & Serria Tawan & Shallan Meiers & Teri Marie Harrison & Tina Mari
in "Playmate Review 2002 - Features"
1 June 2001
Lauren Anderson & Bridget Chadwick & Kerri Roser & Meghan Lea
as Bridget Chadwick & Corinn Paradice & Gabrielle Copeland & Kerri Roser & Lauren Anderson & Lisa Seab & Malissa Valdes & Meghan Lea & Melissa Andresen & Nikki Bruneel & Pamela Cuevas
in "Girls of the SEC 2001"
Lauren Anderson Galleries
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